PT. Pindad (Persero) Subsidiaries
PT Pindad Enjiniring Indonesia (PT PEI)PT Pindad Enjiniring Indonesia (PT PEI) was originally named PT Daun Cakra Bhakti which was established in Bandung on October 7th, 1992 based on Notarial Deed Number 34 of Mrs. Hj. Imas Tarwiah Soedrajat, SH., M.H. and was approved by the Minister of Justice decree Number C2-7444 HT.01.01 of 1993 dated August 23rd, 1993. It was then amended by Deed of Minutes of the General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) "PT Daun Cakra Bhakti" Number 88 dated December 31st, 1999 from Notary Ny. Hj. Imas Tarwiah Soedrajat, SH., M.H. that the name of the company was changed to PT Cakra Mandiri Pratama Indonesia and was approved by the Minister of Justice and Human Rights decree Number C-21829 HT.01.04 in 2002 dated November 8th, 2002. It was last amended based on the Decision of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGM) which was recorded with Notarial Deed by Rita Evryani, SH. Number 2 dated December 4th, 2015 stated that PT Cakra Mandiri Pratama Indonesia changed its name to PT Pindad Enjiniring Indonesia abbreviated as PT Pindad Engineering and was ratified by Decree of the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia Number AHU / 0948590.AH.01.02 of 2015. The decree comes to effect on January 1st, 2016 based on company letter No. B / 1 / PE / BD / 1/ 2016.
PT Pindad Enjiniring Indonesia (PT PEI) has subsidiaries namely PT Pindad Medika Utama (PT PMU), PT Pindad International Logistics (PT PIL) and PT Pindad Global Sources & Trading (PT PGST).
Field of Business :
Trading, chartering, developer, industry, mechanical electrical, agriculture, transportation, services, printing & mining and health services (medical services, medical support and pharmacies).
Address :
Jenderal Gatot Subroto St. No. 517, Ex. Sukapura District, Kiaracondong, Bandung - 40284
Instagram: @Pindad_enjiniringid
Facebook: @ PT. Pindad Enjiniring Indonesia
Twiter: @Pindadenjind
E-mail: &
President Commissioner: Wildan Arief
Commissioner: Prihadi Agus Irianto
Commissioner: D. Suganda
President Director: Sena Maulana
Administration & Finance Director: Adferkol Mayoh
Operational Director: Agus Edy Suprihanto
Company Groups
PT Pindad Medika UtamaBusiness fields :
Health services (Medical Services, Medical Support and Pharmacy Installation), namely Outpatient service, Inpatient service, Emergency Installation, Hemodialysis Unit, Operating Room, Psychology and Nutrition Consultation, Supporting Services (Laboratory, Radiology, Medical Rehabilitation, Pharmacy and Installation Nutrition).
Address :
Jenderal Gatot Subroto St. No. 517 Ex. Sukapura District, Kiaracondong, Bandung - 40284
Panglima Sudirman St. No 229, Turen, Malang 65175
E-mail: &
President Commissioner: Tuning Rudyati
Commissioner of PT PMU: Hengky Kaluara
President Director: Lia Yuliani
Business & HR Development Director: -
PT Pindad International Logistics (PT PIL)Business fields :
Logistic services, especially warehousing, transportation, customs services both export and import as well as freight and movers management services.
Jenderal Gatot Subroto St. No 517 Ex. Sukapura, Kiaracondong, Bandung - 40284

PT Pindad Global Sources & Trading (PT PGST)Business fields :
Trading, services and industry
Address :
Jenderal Gatot Subroto St. No. 517 Ex. Sukapura District, Kiaracondong, Bandung - 40284
Commissioners :
Commissioner: Tundjung Inderawan
Commissioner: Edy Purwanto
Commissioner: I Wayan Sutama
Directors :
President Director: Wahyu Sofiadi
Directors: Ade Ahmad Suradi
Directors: Didi Suryana
Business fields :
1. Installation and maintenance of turbine engines
2. Import trade
3. Electrical installation
4. Security activities and technical consultations.
Address :
H.R. Rasuna Said St. Block X2, Kav. 6 Jakarta 12950
Unit # 17-01, 17th Floor Palma Tower,
Telephone: 62-021-5795 7490
Fax: 62-021-5795 7491
Joint Ventures
PT MAN Diesel & Turbo Indonesia
PT Inti Pindad Mitra SejatiBusiness fields :
1. Development: construction, buildings constructions, towers, bridges, airstrips, Civil Mechanical Eletrical (CME), Information Technology, Outside Plant (OSP), and others.
2. Industry: plastic and the like, metal, manufacturing and fabrication.
3. General Trading
Center for Technology Center Lt.3 PT INTI (Persero)
Moh. Toha St. No. 77, Bandung - 40253