Chief Finance, Risk Management & HR Officer of PT Pindad, Kemal Sudiro accompanied by the Chief Commercial Officer, Atih Nurhayati warmly welcome the visit of Vice-Commander of the Air Defense Artillery Weapon Center (Wadanpussenarhanud), Brigadier General TNI I Gede Widiana accompanied by Weapons Director, Learning Center Commander, Regiment Commander, Battalion Commander, Detachment Commander and the Indonesian Air Defense Artillery Unit Commander on Tuesday, March 14th 2023 in the Pindad Bandung Auditorium. The reason for this visit is in order to review Pindad's ability to produce various staple products of Defense and Security Tools to support the needs of Air Defense Artillery Weaponry (Pussenarhanud). The visit is also attended by GM of Weapons Division Yanto Sughiarto, GM of Special Vehicles D. Suganda, VP of of Innovation Windu Pramartha, and VP of PM & K3LH Prima Kharisma.
In the greeting, Kemal Sudiro welcomes and thanks the Wadanpussenarhanud and the ranks for the visit and how it is an honor for PT Pindad. He hopes for the support and cooperation from the Pussenarhanud. "Hopefully this visit can provide understanding for the Pussenarhanud that until now PT Pindad is still supporting the TNI in providing Defense and Security Tools for national defense," Kemal Sudiro explained in his remarks.
Wadanpussenarhanud, Brigadier General TNI I Gede Widiana relays appreciation for the reception from the Directors and ranks of PT Pindad. “Our presence is to gain knowledge regarding PT Pindad from its main duties, what products are created in order to ensure a cooperation between PT Pindad and the Air Defense Artillery (Arhanud) is ensured for the future. Then the reason we are here is related to the Branch Technical Development Meeting that we are holding so that in the future our successors will gain broad insight,” explains Brigadier General TNI I Gede Widiana.
The activity continued with a brief profile presentation and products of PT Pindad which was followed by a visit to the production facilities of the Special Vehicles division and the Weapons division.