

Reviewing industrial products, Mayor of Pekalongan visits Pindad

Mayor of Pekalongan, H. Achmad Afzan Djunaid accompanied by officials and staff from Bappenda, the Environment Service and Pekalongan City Government paid a working visit to the Pindad office Bandung on Monday, September 6, 2021. Mayor of Pekalongan's visit was welcomed by Chief of Business Strategy of PT Pindad (Persero), Syaifuddin. The visit this time was in order to review Pindad's industrial products, especially Stungta x Pindad.

In his remarks, Syaifuddin welcomed Mayor of Pekalongan, Achmad Afzan Djunaid and thanked him for his time and visit to Pindad. Syaifuddin then explained the brief profile of PT Pindad (Persero), explaining that in addition to defense and industrial products, in the midst of this pandemic Pindad has also succeeded in producing medical devices, ventilator. Syaifuddin also said that the smokeless incinerator produced by Pindad and PT Hejo Tekno is one of the solutions offered in dealing with the waste problem.

“This Stungta x Pindad smokeless incinerator can be a solution in dealing with waste problems, especially during this pandemic, the growth in the amount of waste is quite large so that the transportation of waste is not proportional to the amount of waste. Hopefully this activity can be the beginning of cooperation and collaboration between Pindad and Pekalongan to support in providing value and benefits in the future, "explained Syaifuddin.

Mayor of Pekalongan, H. Achmad Afzan Arslan Djunaid expressed his gratitude for Pindad's welcome during the visit. Achmad Afzan said his visit this time was to review various Pindad industrial products, one of which is Stungta x Pindad which will be used to solve the waste problem in Pekalongan.

After listening to the explanation about Pindad's profile, the activity was then continued with a visit to the production facilities of the Heavy Equipment, PIJ, Special Vehicle divisions and seeing Pindad's weapons products in the Weapons division.
