In the framework of the SOEs’ Social and Environmental Responsibility (TJSL) program for Banten, Pindad together with the TJSL of SOEs Defense Industry (Indhan) collaborated to provide assistance in the form of school uniforms at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Pasirkopo Kab. Lebak, Banten on March 7, 2022.
TJSL of SOEs program for Banten is the initiation of the aspirations of the Ministry of SOEs and programs carried out in the field of education (uniforms) as well as bridge repair and ICT procurement assistance.
According to the PIC of TJSL Defend ID, Yudha Ryantono said, "This program is a joint program with us in 2022 to be handed over to elementary school students / Madrasah Ibtidaiyah in Lebak Banten Regency.
"Hopefully this program can make Defend ID more compact and closer for the progress of Indonesia," said Yudha.
In this program, TJSL SOEs Indhan provided assistance in the form of educational equipment, there are 650 pairs of student uniforms for 5 elementary schools and Islamic elementary schools for the Lebak Regency area, Banten. This program is simultaneously implemented by all SOE TJSL to help the community in the Banten Province area.
The principal of MI Pasirkopo Yadi, who is also the recipient of the aid symbolically, expressed his gratitude to the five defense industries that have provided assistance in Banten, especially Lebak Regency.
"I would like to thank Defend ID which consists of PT Pindad, PT Len, PT DI, PT Dahana and PT PAL for providing assistance to several schools in Banten, especially our school MI PasirKopo, hopefully the assistance provided can be used as well as possible "explained Yadi.
As is known, SOEs Indhan is currently in the final stages of forming the Holding of SOEs Defense Industry. Collaborative activities among SOEs Indhan are increasingly intensive as a consolidation step. PT Len Industri (Persero) will focus on the C5ISR Platform along with MRO and 3-dimensional integration solutions (interoperability) through Network Centric Warfare as the holding parent. PT Pindad (Persero) has a focus on land-based platforms, MRO and the provision of weapons and munitions, PT Dirgantara Indonesia (Persero) with a focus on airborne and MRO platforms, PT Pal Indonesia (Persero) with a focus on developing marine and MRO units, and PT DAHANA (Persero) with a focus on product development of energetic materials (explosives/propellants) for all dimensions of defense.