Deputy CEO & Chief Finance Officer Attend Gathering of Members of Holding Defend ID Workers' Union
The Deputy CEO of PT Pindad Syaifuddin accompanied by the Chief of Finance, Risk Management and HR Officer of PT Pindad Kemal Sudiro attended a friendly activity with a group of Workers Unions who are members of the DEFEND ID Holding company on Thursday, May 25th 2023 located at the Office of PT Len Industri (Persero), Bandung . The gathering was also attended by the Directors of PT Len Industri (Persero) as the Holding of DEFEND ID, namely President Director Bobby Rasyidin and the Director of Finance, Risk Management and HR Indarto Pamungkas and the Directors of members of the DEFEND ID holding.
The activity agenda this time presents a two-way discussion to discuss, ask questions and respond to holding DEFEND ID. The unions that attended this activity were IKL, SP Dahana, SP PAL Indonesia, SP Pindad, SEPKAD, SPP, SKDI, HKDI and Sekar PTDI.
President Director of PT Len Industri (Persero) as the holding of DEFEND ID, Bobby Rasyidin conveyed the current condition of DEFEND ID holding to the trade union group, starting from the macro and micro situation. Bobby also hopes that the union can be more pro-active in helping management advance the company and the holding.
"At Len we have a Letter to the CEO, where employees can send messages directly via email or WhatsApp to our Len Directors. I hope this Letter to CEO can be applied to all DEFEND ID holding members. Because basically employees are company stakeholders. So that employees must also be prosperous and heard,” Bobby explained.
Director of Finance, Risk Management and HR of PT Len Industri (Persero), Indarto Pamoengkas also conveyed the centralization of holding, in which the contents of the DEFEND ID Synergy Charter will be applied to optimize the role of holding to provide the best benefits for holding member companies.
It is hoped that this agenda will strengthen the relationship between the holding DEFEND ID and holding members, especially the trade union group.