The deputy mayor of Bandung reviews CSR assistance for waste processing machines from Pindad
Deputy Mayor of Bandung, Yana Mulyana reviewed the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) assistance in the form of a waste processing machine and equipment that provided by PT Pindad (Persero) to the community of RW 14 Sukapura Village, Kiaracondong District, Bandung on Thursday , March 4, 2021 in the Raflesia Park Complex area. The event was attended by the Head of the Bandung City Food and Agriculture Office, Gin Gin Ginanjar; Corporate Secretary, Krisna Cahyadianus; Corporate Communications Manager, Komarudin; Junior Manager of PKBL & CSR, Yunus Somantri as well as the Head of Kiaracondong Sub-District and Sukapura Urban Village.
The assistance that has been given consists of a machine for processing leaf waste into compost and a machine for filtering / sieving leaves into compost granules, which is one of Pindad's support in implementing the SAE (Healthy, Natural, and Economical) Hunting program in RW 14, Taman Raflesia Complex, Kelurahan Sukapura, Kiaracondong District, Bandung.
The SAE (Healthy, Natural, and Economical) is a program to use a free space or land to become productive land that can be used for urban farming, chicken and fish farming, waste banks, education centers, and the manufacture of food products for stunting residents to achieve resilience and food independence. The Buruan SAE program also aims to process the results of urban farming into various products that produce economic value and can be sold and the waste will be used as compost and animal feed.
In his remarks, the Deputy Mayor of Bandung, Yana Mulyana, expressed his gratitude and appreciation for the Buruan SAE at RW 14, Sukapura Village. Yana said this activity can meet food needs.
"96% of the food needs in the city of Bandung come from outside Bandung city. Alhamdulillah, this Buruan SAE program can meet its own food needs and hopefully it can be transmitted and become an example to other areas in Bandung City. The stimulus that was given by the government was very well developed by residents of the Sukapura village. Prove that we can meet the minimum foodstuffs in our own environment, "explained Yana.
Yana Mulyana specifically expressed her gratitude to Pindad for continuing to support the Bandung City Government program so that it runs optimally. Yana also added that limited land is not an obstacle to building food security. In fact, this hunt for SAE RW 14 Kelurahan Sukapura has been successfully harvested with organic produce that is safe and much healthier.