Pindad-made excavators, Pindad Excava 200 were also present to help recover the conditions of the earthquake and tsunami disaster in Palu and Donggala, Central Sulawesi. The yellow excavator belongs to the Director General of Water Resources of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing of the Republic of Indonesia in 2017.
Currently 20 units of Pindad Excava 200 are ready to go to Palu with Hercules aircraft waiting for the direction of the Aslog of the TNI Commander.
All of Pindad's extended family mourned the calamity that befell the residents of Palu and its surroundings. Hopefully the sacrificial deeds received by Allah SWT and all Palu citizens will be given fortitude through this disaster.
Photo source: Wiranto's Facebook
Ekskavator Pindad Bantu Pemulihan Pasca Gempa & Tsunami Palu
Ekskavator buatan Pindad, Pindad Excava 200 turut hadir untuk membantu pemulihan kondisi bencana gempa bumi dan tsunami di Palu dan Donggala, Sulawesi Tengah. Ekskavator berwarna kuning tersebut merupakan milik Dirjen SDA Kementerian PU Pera pembelian Tahun 2017.
Saat ini 20 unit Pindad Excava 200 sudah siap menuju Palu dengan pesawat Hercules menunggu arahan aslog Panglima TNI.
Segenap keluarga besar Pindad turut berduka cita dengan musibah yang menimpa warga Palu dan sekitarnya. Semoga amal ibadah korban yang meninggal diterima oleh Allah SWT dan seluruh warga Palu diberi ketabahan melewati musibah ini.
sumber foto: facebook Wiranto
Currently 20 units of Pindad Excava 200 are ready to go to Palu with Hercules aircraft waiting for the direction of the Aslog of the TNI Commander.
All of Pindad's extended family mourned the calamity that befell the residents of Palu and its surroundings. Hopefully the sacrificial deeds received by Allah SWT and all Palu citizens will be given fortitude through this disaster.
Photo source: Wiranto's Facebook