Chief Production Officer of PT Pindad, Budhiarto welcomes the visit of the Delegations of 14th Thanesia Joint Coordinated Operations and Exercise Sub-committee (JCOESC) consisting of the Director of Joint Operations, Lieutenant General Chitchanok Nujjaya accompanied by Director of Office of Policy and Plans, Mayor General Chaiya Srinual alongside the delegations on Friday, March 17th 2023 at Directorate Room PT Pindad Bandung.
The goal of Thailand’s delegation visiting PT Pindad for the 14th meeting Thainesia JCOESC as well as to directly observe the production facilities and the various products of the Indonesian defense industry company.
The visitation began with a warm welcome from the Chief Production Officer of PT Pindad, Budhiarto. He relays PT Pindad’s appreciation and thanks the Kingdom of Thailand’s armed forces delegation for the availability and time to visit PT Pindad.
“PT Pindad has the capability to produce and develop various defense and security products such as weapons, combat vehicles, and munitions as well as industrial products such as heavy machinery, infrastructure, and farming equipment. PT Pindad is also one of the companies that make up DEFEND ID holding. Hopefully the discussion that will be held today will have a beneficial result for the bilateral relations between the two countries.” Explains Budhiarto
Director of Joint Operations, Lieutenant General Chitchanok Nujjaya as the head delegation extends appreciation for the welcome given by PT Pindad.
“Indonesia’s defense industries feels like it is superior than that of Thailand’s. Therefore, I feel as if this is a very good chance to learn the defense and security sector, specifically from PT Pindad.” Explains Chitchanok Nujjaya
The activity was then followed by a discussion session as well as a Q&A session between pindad and the Armed Forces of the Kingdom of Thailand Delegation. The visit ended with a Plant Tour to the Production of the Defense and Security Industry.