Anticipating the spread of Covid-19, Pindad handed over masks to Sukapura Village
PT Pindad (Persero) handed over 100 boxes of masks to the people of Sukapura Village in anticipation of the spread of Covid-19 pandemic on Friday, June 18, 2021. Assistance was given by PKBL & CSR Junior Manager, Yunus Somantri to Village representatives witnessed by local officials. The assistance provided is a corporate social responsibility towards the community when Covid-19 case increases in Bandung, which has implemented a Covid-19 alert status.
“This assistance is a form of effort from PT Pindad (Persero) for the community as a concern and corporate social responsibility for residents around the company. Hopefully, with the assistance of 100 boxes of masks, this can make a good contribution to the residents so that together they can reduce number of Covid-19 cases in Sukapura Village,” said Yunus Somantri.
Yunus also advised that efforts to suppress the surge in Covid-19 cases be carried out by all parties by complying with health protocols and implementing 5M, called: menggunakan masker (wearing masks), mencuci tangan dengan sabun (washing hands with soap and running water), menjaga jarak (maintaining distance), menghindari kerumunan (stay away from crowds), and mengurangi mobilitas dan interaksi (limiting mobilization and interaction).
In addition to 5M disciplinary behavior, the relevant authorities which is the government, also carry out 3Ts: testing, tracing and treatment. Testing, tracking, then taking treatment or care for people who are exposed to the virus.