

Dirjen Kuathan Along with Entourage Validates & Review Pindad Ventilator

Chief Executive Officer of PT Pindad (Persero), Abraham Mose accompanied by the board of directors, VP of Innovation, Widhu Paramarta and President Director of PEI, Sena Maulana welcomed a visit from the Director General of Defense Forces of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Indonesia (Dirjen Kuathan Kemhan RI), Marshda TNI Ponang Djawanto and his entourage reviewed ventilator and its product facilities on Tuesday, September 22, 2020 at the Auditorium of PT Pindad (Persero) Bandung.

Dirjen Kuathan was accompanied by the Sub-Directorate for Renbutmat, Colonel Arh Mohammad Nafis, and the Head of Proglap Division of the Directorate General of Defense, Colonel Laut (P) Jonanton. The visit was also carried out to validate the ventilator products produced by Pindad.

“We thank you for the strong support for Pindad. Pindad has special vehicles, weapons, industrial equipment including ventilators to support government programs to deal with Covid-19,” Abraham said.

Abraham explained that Pindad Ventilator had passed the BPFK certification process and clinical trials, so that the Pindad ventilator was ready to be delivered and supported the plan of the Minister of Defense, Prabowo Subianto to hand over 68 ventilator units to the Hospital of Angkatan Darat (army hospital).

In his remarks, the Dirjen Kuathan Kemhan RI, Marshda TNI Ponang Djawanto, expressed his gratitude for Pindad’s hospitality. Marshda TNI Ponang Djawanto said that the developments made by PT Pindad (Persero) in various fields were going well.

“I see from day to day, month to month, the progress is exstraordinary, lastly we accompany the Deputy Minister to see the condition of immediate readiness in order to support the Food Estate Program that has been delivered by the CEO and is going well,” said Marshda TNI Ponang Djawanto.

In accordance with Permenhan No.35 of 2015, validation and presentation are the main activities of the Directorate General of Force and Defense at the beginning of activities in the existing program process series. However, with the Covid-19 pandemic it became impossible for validation at the beginning of activities.

The production stages of various types of ventilators are carried out by Pindad’s subsidiary, PEI. The President Director of PT PEI, Sena Maulana, then gave a brief explanation of the various ventilators that were produced and the stages of certification to obtain a distribution permit.

The result obtained from this validation is a report delivered to the Minister of Defense, Prabowo Subianto that the ventilator from PT Pindad (Persero) will be recommended as a program that can be used as an alternative to meet the needs of the nation and state.

The activity was then continued by visiting and inspecting the ventilator production facilities.
