

Defence and Security Equipments Technology FGD at PT Pindad (Persero)

PT Pindad (Persero) became a host for Alat Peralatan Pertahanan Keamanan (Defence and Security Equipments Technology) of Alpalhankam Focus Group Discussion implementation which held by Dewan Research Nasional (National Research Council) or DRN. The event held on July 1st, 2013 at Auditorium, Directorate Building and directly opened by the Chairman of the Technical Commission of Defense and Security Technology, Eddy Sumarmo Siradj and acted as a moderator was PT Pindad Director of Weaponry System, Ade Bagdja.

This event was attended by all parties who related to planning and production process, until the user of defence and security equipments technology, such as Komisi Teknis Teknologi Pertahanan dan Keamanan (Technical Commission of Defense and Security Technology), Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi (Ministry of Research and Technology), Badan Pengkajian dan  Penerapan Teknologi (The Agency of The Assessment and Application of Technology) or BPPT, Lembaga Antariksa dan Penerbangan Nasional (National Institute of Aeronautics and Space) or LAPAN, Lembaga Ilmu
Pengetahuan Indonesia (Indonesian Institute of Science) or LIPI, Indonesian Army Research and Development, Indonesian Police Research and Development, Indonesian Army Planning Assistant, and some of State Owned Enterprise Companies Directors.  

The discussion which themed “Implementation Concept of Masterplan Planning of Defence and Security Industy Development” was divided into few presentation sessions which represents some of implementation planning field in defence and security industry development.

Some theme which discussed in the discussion session were the implementation of Law number 16 Year 2012 through technology development based on the needs of the users, human resources and research and development facilities development based on the needs of the users, government budget allocation planning for developing the masterplan of defence and security equipments industry, and empowerment strategy of national component industry to support the development planning of defence and security equipments industry development.

The presentation session was ended with a discussion from the participants who involved on the implementation of the defence and security equipments industry in Indonesia. The result of the discussion was expected to map out how to plan a comprehensive strategy that can produce a good output for the progress of the defence and security equipments industry in Indonesia. (Anggia)
