

Christmas Service 2022 & New Year 2023 with DEFEND ID

Holding of SOE’s Defense Industry – DEFEND ID held the 2022 & 2023 Christmas Service on Saturday, January 14 2023 at PT Dirgantara PKSN Auditorium Building, Bandung. Carrying the theme “The Light Has Shined”, the Joint Christmas Service was attended by 319 Christian employees of Holding DEFEND ID and their families. This activity was also attended by Deputy Main Commissioner of PT Dirgantara Indonesia Bonar Halomoan Hutagaol, Commissioner of PT Pindad Sakkan Tampubolon, CEO of PT Pindad Abraham Mose, Director of Production of PT Dirgantara Indonesia Batara Silaban, Director of Finance, Risk Management and HR of PT Dirgantara Indonesia Wildan Arief, Representative PT Len Industri (Persero) Linus Andor Mulana Sijuang and SEVP Technology Naval System PT PAL Indonesia Rear Admiral TNI A.R. Agus Santoso and Representatives of PT Dahana Yustinus Sudarminto.

This Christmas and New Year service is a special moment because it is being held for the first time after the official formation of DEFEND ID Defense Industry Holding in 2022. As part of a series of Christmas & New Year Together Service, Social Service activities were held on January 7, 2023. Activities carried out by the youth committee chaired by PT Pindad together with DEFEND ID member companies in the form of distributing 100 food packages to people in need as well as visits to Rumah Kasih Lembang orphanage which is inhabited by around 30 children of various age groups.

Through the Christmas & New Year Social Service, DEFEND ID is expected to be able to become more cohesive and become a shining light in society. Hopefully this joint agenda can always be realized to strengthen relations between members of DEFEND ID Defense Industry Holding.

Merry Christmas 2022 & New Year 2203 with DEFEND ID. God Bless.
