

The Visit of the Dean of the Faculty of Creative Industries Tel-U Discussing the Follow-up of Cooper

Vice President of Innovation of PT Pindad (Persero) Windhu Paramarta, welcomed a visit from the Faculty of Creative Industries (FIK) Telkom University (Tel-U) on Tuesday, June 2, 2020 at PT Pindad (Persero) Bandung Head Office. This meeting discussed about the continuity of the MoU on Research Collaboration between PT Pindad (Persero) and Telkom University.

In his remarks, Windu expressed his appreciation and hopes of collaborating with Tel-U. "The plan that is planned can be execute well, we hope there is cooperation that we carry out together in the future. Especially in the Innovation division, there are several programs that might be implemented together ".

Previously, Pindad did a collaboration with Tel-U on the 2020 Military Product Design Competition and bring up innovative designs from students.

Tel-U Representative, Dr. Roro Retno Wulan, S. Sos., M. Pd. explained four cooperation opportunities that could be developed between PT Pindad (Persero) and Telkom University. Among them doing collaborative research, which contains collaborative research labs for Pindad and Tel-U, the formation of a special design team within the Faculty of Creative Industries (FIK), Pindad product grants to Tel-U for student & lecturer research, collaborative projects planned to be implemented in 2020. People empowerment, consisting of Pindad training or workshops by Tel-U as the organizer, webinar implementation, community service collaboration, including an internship program for Tel-U students in Pindad.

The event and promotion section is to offer the formation of a joint promotion team through welcoming Tel-U new students. And for the charity exhibition & product points, to make souvenirs for Pindad for the company branding, Pindad's product exhibition, and Charity Collaboration for Covid-19. Tel-U hopes that the MoU that has been signed by both parties can become a real collaboration and can run well.

In addition to the four cooperation opportunities that have been mentioned, Tel-U invites PT Pindad (Persero) to conduct cooperation in providing education for PT Pindad (Persero) employees who wish to continue their Masters degree in design.
