Optimizing the Independence of the Defence Industry, Wantannas Council Review Pindad
CEO of PT Pindad, Abraham Mose, accompanied by Chief of Technology & Development officer Sigit P. Santosa, Chief of Business Strategy officer Syaifuddin and the ranks of VP GM welcomed the visit of the National Resilience Council of the Republic of Indonesia (Wantannas RI) led by the Secretary General of Wantannas RI, Admiral TNI Dr. Harjo Susmono was accompanied by the ranks of Deputies on Wednesday, 18 May 2022 at the Auditorium Pindad Bandung.
As for the visit of Wantannas RI in the context of carrying out a working visit to defense industry companies in Bandung city including PT Len Industri (Persero), PT Pindad and PT Dirgantara Indonesia to collect data and references in the preparation of a Strategic Policy Draft on Optimizing the Defense Industry to Increase Independence in the framework of Strengthening National Security.
In his speech, Abraham Mose expressed his appreciation and gratitude for the visit of Wantannas RI to Pindad. Abraham gave an explanation about Pindad's profile and conveyed developments regarding Pindad's capabilities and reliability as a defense industry company. Abraham then said that in order to achieve the independence of the defense industry, it was necessary to develop upstream industries in Indonesia.
“The independence of the defence industry must be discussed end to end, how we should develop the upstream industry in Indonesia. The reason is, at this time Indonesia still has to import raw materials for defense equipment such as bullets and bullet-proof steel."
Meanwhile, the Secretary General of the Indonesian National Wantannas, Admiral TNI Dr. Harjo Susmono in his speech said that the independence of the defense industry has actually been initiated since 2010. Supposedly, 10 years is enough time to become an independent industry if there is commitment and consistency in its implementation.
“The commitment to build independence is very much needed. With stakeholders, producers, and the users themselves. So far, in reality, it has not been implemented as expected. While the threat of war is still far away, we have the opportunity to prepare ourselves. So when the war broke out, even though we never expected it to happen, we were capable and ready.”
The Secretary General of Wantannas RI and his staff then reviewed the production facilities of the Special Vehicle Division and Weapons Division to see the performance of the vehicles and weapons made by Pindad before ending the industrial visit.
18 Mei 2022 – Dirtekbang PT Pindad Hadiri Peringatan Ulang Tahun ke-22 dan Halal Bihalal IIKP
Chief of Technology and Development of PT Pindad Attends the 22nd Anniversary and Halal Bihalal of IIKP
Pindad Employees Wives Association (IIKP) Cakra Pawestri PT Pindad commemorates its 22nd anniversary and at the same time carries out Halal Bihalal of Eid Al-Fitr 1443 H with the theme "The Nature of Gathering in Realizing Moral Culture" on Wednesday, 18 May 2022 at Graha Pindad, Bandung. The event was attended by Chief of Technology & Development officer Sigit P. Santosa, Chief of Finance & Risk Management Triyana, Corporate Secretary Krisna Cahyadianus, chairman of IIKP Ami Abraham Mose, female employees, retired and all IIKP members.
The activity began with a speech by the Chief of Technology & Development officer, Sigit P Santosa who discussed the AKHLAK culture that occurred within PT Pindad and the role of the wife which was very important in realizing the company's performance and most importantly family harmony.
"IIKP is a place for employees' wives, therefore there is a need for cohesiveness and harmony in carrying out their duties at IIKP. Every administrator and member is required to always be guided by the rules, one of which is also guided by the culture of morals," said Sigit.
The chairman of IIKP, Ami Abraham Mose in his speech said that IIKP must be able to apply "AKHLAK" which is the work culture of PT Pindad.
"IIKP can stand until now can not be separated from the support of the predecessors who built and maintained so that IIKP always exists. We, as holders of the baton at this time, ask for prayers and support so that we can continue to maintain IIKP and be able to carry out its duties and mandates well." Obviously Ami.
This activity also aims to strengthen the relationship and family ties between IIKP mothers and employees, retirees and company management. Cohesiveness and support from all parties are expected in facing challenges and supporting the company's performance.