Commemorating 74th Indonesian Air Force Service Day, Pindad Delivered 2.000 food packages
PT Pindad (Persero) handed over 2.000 packages of rice to the Indonesian Air Force (TNI AU) Bandung Regional Coordination Agency (Bakorda) in commemoration of the 74th Indonesian Air Force Service Day which will be distributed to underprivileged communities around Husein Sastranegara Airbase Bandung. The assistance was symbolically handed over by Junior Manager of PKBL Pindad, Yunus Somantri representing Corporate Secretary to the Head of Binpotdirga, Captain Tek. Budio represented the Airbase Commander Husein Sastranegara on Sunday, July 25, 2021 at Wisma Mulyadi.
Head of Binpotdirga, Captain Tek. Budio appreciated the assistance provided by PT Pindad (Persero) and other SOEs in Bandung which collaborated to support social service activities in commemorating the 74th Indonesian Air Force Service Day.
“Thank you for your support and cooperation. In commemoration of the 74th Indonesian Air Force Service Day, Bakorda Bandung in collaboration with SOEs in Bandung City to held social service activities for underprivileged communities around Husein Sastranegara Airbase around Citepus, Maleber and Bojongkoneng areas. We also hold vaccinations for the community to support the acceleration of government programs to anticipate Covid-19,” said Captain Tek. Budio.
Junior Manager PKBL Pindad, Yunus Somantri said that he hoped this assistance provided could be useful for the community, especially during Covid-19 pandemic and wished the Indonesian Air Force a Happy 74th Service Day.