

Pindad Together with Residents Utilize Pindad TPST Land for Urban Farming

Urban farming has become a lifestyle because of the increasing awareness of urban people to live a healthy lifestyle. Urban farming is a concept of moving conventional agriculture to urban agriculture. What distinguishes this activity are the perpetrators and the planting media. Conventional agriculture is more oriented to production results, while urban farming is more about the character of the culprit, namely urban society. Planting activities in the limited land environment, in addition to preserving the environment while providing economic benefits.

PT Pindad (Persero) together with the community group RW 09 on Jalan Cidurian Utara RT 05 RW 09, Kel Sukapura, Kec. Kiaracondong uses TPST land as a Community Development program by managing urban farming. The program began with the holding of the Kampung Berkebun training for dozens of residents of the RW 09 community group at TPST Pindad, Wednesday (8/22/2019).

The training covers how to seed, transfer seedlings to polybags, to move plants to the ground, to select vegetables that are suitable for harvest. This training was given directly by the Bandung Food and Agriculture Office. Temporary Deputy Corporate Secretary of PT Pindad, Herryawan Roosdyanto explained that this activity was a form of company attention to the surrounding community through the Partnership and Community Development Program.

"Urban Farming is a superior program from us for the community around PT Pindad, besides hoping that it can provide economic benefits, this activity is also expected to increase the community's ability to manage land," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Kiaracondong Sub-District Administration Section, Suryati Nur, said that the training conducted by PT Pindad was in line with the main program of the Kiaracondong District. He said this program was included in the 5 Kiaracondong ngahiji, geulis, travel, prosperous and religious programs. "We appreciate PT Pindad for their cooperation so far, we from the sub-district hope that Urban Farming activities can be used as tourist attractions such as planting tours and harvesting vegetables," he explained. (Bani)
