

Pindad carries out the farewell of retire employees of PT Pindad (Persero)

PT Pindad (Persero) carried out the farewell of 10 retired employees on Friday, January 14, 2022 at Graha Pindad Bandung. The farewell of employees this time is based on Decree Number: SKEP/7/P/BD/XI/2021, SKEP/12/P/BD/XI/2021, SKEP/13/P/BD/2021 dated 12 November 2021 and SKEP/2/P/BD/XII/2021 dated December 9, 2021.

VP Human Capital Management, Amalia Maya Fitri in her speech expressed her gratitude to the employees who have completed their tenure and officially entered retirement.

“And also behalf of the board of directors and all entire management of PT Pindad would like to thank the employees who have entered their retirement period for their performance and dedication to this company. We also want to express our highest appreciation and hopefully the baton given to us can be carried out as well as possible,” said Amalia.

This event then continued with the distribution of souvenirs to retired employees and a group photo in front of Graha Pindad Bandung. Thank you for your dedication, hopefully the relationship will be maintained for the future of PT Pindad (Persero).
