PT Pindad Together with The Ministry of SOEs and Regent of Kuningan Regency Holds People’s Market
PT Pindad together with the Ministry of SOEs, the Regent of Kuningan Regency, as well as several SOEs companies held a People's Market and MSME Exhibition on Saturday, June 4, 2022 at Pandapa Paramarta Field, Kuningan Regency.
This people's market operation aims to help ease the burden on the community, especially the residents of Kuningan Regency in meeting their food needs. In addition, market operations are also based on the efforts of SOEs as agents of national development to create balance in society by providing cooking oil and other basic necessities at affordable prices.
In his remarks, the Regent of Kuningan, H. Acep Purnama, expressed his gratitude to the committees, especially from the Ministry of SOEs, sponsors, providers and all parties involved for the implementation of this SOEs MSME People's Market, and hopefully this activity will continue to be carried out in Kuningan Regency in the future.
Special Staff to the Minister of SOEs Arya Mahendra Sinulingga who was present on behalf of the Minister of SOEs, Erick Thohir, said that the implementation of this low-cost market was one of the solutions and a form of SOE's concern for people who had difficulty getting cheap basic necessities.
In line with the Regent of Kuningan Regency, Acep Purnama and Staff III of SOEs, Arya Sinulingga, Head of Social and Environmental Responsibility (TJSL) PT Pindad, Yunus Soemantri in his speech said that hopefully this SOEs people market activity can be useful for the wider community, especially in Kuningan Regency.
This SOEs People's Market provides basic food packages consisting of rice, sugar and cooking oil at a price of Rp. 65.000,-. The price offered to the public is quite cheap when compared to prices on the market.
This People's Market activity is also a synergy of 19 SOEs companies through their package providers, namely ID Food. Not only the SOE people's market, this activity is also filled with MSME exhibitions, such as Kuningan coffee products, Kuningan Batik, and regional specialties.
The activity then ended with a joint dialogue between the Special Staff of the Minister of SOEs Arya Sinulingga, the Regent of Kuningan H. Acep Purnama and the Deputy Regent of Kuningan H. M. Ridho Suganda and the SMEs of Kuningan Regency.