

PT Pindad Held Inauguration for Retired Employees Period December-January 2023

PT Pindad carried out the release of 13 retired employees which was attended by the Director of Pindad Pension Fund (Dapen) Nenny Mulyani, General Manager of Weapons Yanto Sugiharto and represented the VP of HCM, Iwan Kuswana on Friday, January 13 2023 at Pindad Dapen Bandung Office. This inauguration of employees is based on Decree Number: SKEP/11,12,14/P/BD/XI/2022 and SKEP/8,9/P/BD/XII/2022. At this moment, PT Pindad’s Employee Pension Fund also pays pension benefits in December and January 2022-2023 for 13 people.

Representing VP of HCM of PT Pindad, Iwan Kuswana in his remarks expressed his gratitude to the employees who have completed their term of office and are officially entering their retirement period.

“Thank you to PT Pindad’s employees who have been dedicated for decades to this company so that PT Pindad can exist until now. Hopefully the pension benefits that you get from Dapen Pindad can be used as well as possible in the future. We also hope that beloved ladies & gentlemen can continue to be productive in the future outside community and are always in good health,” said Iwan Kuswana.

Director of Dapen Pindad, Neny Mulyany in her remarks expressed her gratitude to the Pension Beneficiaries who have completed their duties at PT Pindad, and did not forget to advise Retirement Benefit recipients to be careful and wise in using the pension benefits received.

”On behalf of PT Pindad, we would like to express our deepest gratitude to ladies and gentlemen who have dedicated and contributed to PT Pindad. Retiring with a normal retirement age is a long journey that takes tens of years, this journey is certainly not easy because of course we are required to be fully dedicated to the company. It is our hope that in the future when ladies & gentlemen who have entered retirement can make this moment a momentum to prepare for the future and old age. Dapen will also provide retirement benefits which are the rights of ladies and gentlemen. Hopefully the pension benefits provided can be used wisely,” Neny explained.

Payment of routine Pension Benefits is carried out every month. The payment mechanism at the event is by inviting beneficiaries, both Normal Retirement, Early Retirement, etc., to attend at a predetermined schedule and place. Dapen Pindad cooperates with Bank Syariah Indonesia in accommodating the value of pension benefits received by each beneficiary.

The event continued with the presentation of souvenirs to retired employees and a group photo in front of Dapen Pindad Bandung office. Thank you for your dedication, I hope that the friendship will be maintained for the progress of PT Pindad.
