

PT Pindad (Persero) Achieved 2013 Green Industry Award

PT Pindad (Persero) was received the Penghargaan Industri Hijau 2013 (2013 Green Industry Award) from Ministry of Industry of Republic of Indonesia. The award was received by Director of Administration and Finance Rita Widayati at Garuda Room, Ministry of Industry Building (26/11), and was directly delivered by Minister of Industry, MS Hidayat.

PT Pindad (Persero) was got the 2013 Green Industry Award for the manufacture industry which located at Bandung and Ammunition Division at Turen, Malang, after competed with other 160 Indonesian companies. PT Pindad (Persero) was one of 5th level companies (the highest level) that got trophy and award charter on that night.

This Green Industry Award is the appreciation from the governance for Indonesian industrial world which had contributed to help the national economic growth but still pay an attention to preserve the environment by applying the environmental-friendly technologies during the production process.

This award given was through some stages, started from administration fulfillment, document verification, field verification, appraisal result evaluation, appraisal result delivery, company refutation, and re-verification process. In the end, noted 69 industries that successfully got this award,  

This award is the motivation for PT Pindad (Persero) to give more attention to environmental sustainability in any production process. (Anggia)
