

PT Pindad Distributes Stunting Prevention Aid at UPTD Puskesmas Babakan Surabaya

Pindad distributed assistance to prevent stunting and malnutrition to target toddlers at UPTD Public Health Center (Puskesmas) Babakan Surabaya, Kec. Kiaracondong, Bandung on Tuesday (31/01/2023). The assistance was symbolically handed over by the Junior Manager of TJSL, Yunus Soemantri to representatives of the parents of toddlers in Babakan Surabaya and Cicaheum sub-district.

The donation ceremony was attended by the Head of Bandung City Government Health Service Health Anwar Hardian, Head of District Community Empowerment Section Maman Suleman, Head of Babakan Surabaya Village Omi, Head of UPTD Puskesmas Babakan Surabaya, dr. Dewi Fridayeni and the audience who will receive help.

This assistance provided were two kinds, first is in the form of 100% formula milk and Supplementary Feeding (PMT) recovery in the form of baby food with the correct rules of carbohydrates, animals, and vegetables. This assistance will be monitored by cadres and nutritionists at Puskesmas Babakan Surabaya every 10 days so that it is carried out effectively.

Junior Manager of TJSL, Yunus Soemantri in his remarks said that he hoped that the assistance provided by PT Pindad would benefit the health of children, especially Babakan Surabaya Village and other urban villages.

“Hopefully with the initial steps taken by PT Pindad towards concern for stunting prevention and handling malnutrition in toddlers and children can motivate other parties or companies to give the same attention. Of course we do this to support the health of children as the nation’s next generation,” Yunus explained.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Bandung City Government Health Service, Anwar Hardian appreciated the initiative and assistance provided by PT Pindad and hoped that this assistance will continue to other urban villages.

“Thank you PT Pindad for setting an example, this assistance is very useful for handling stunting and malnutrition. Please help more people in other sub-district,” said Anwar Hardian.

The Head of Community Empowerment Section of Kiaracondong District, Maman Suleman fully supports PT Pindad’s concern for preventing stunting and handling malnutrition in Babakan Surabaya village.

“Alhamdulillah, we are very grateful to PT Pindad for providing support and assistance in preventing stunting and malnutrition in Babakan Surabaya Village. Hopefully the assistance provided by Pindad is useful and can be a solution to this problem,” said Maman.

Imas, the mother of one of the recipients named Ammar (16 months) admitted that she was very happy and grateful to receive assistance from PT Pindad.

“Thank you PT Pindad for providing assistance to my son. I really hope my son can recover and grow normally like other toddlers. Initially found by the cadre of Puskesmas, my son could not do anything, his neck was not straight, he rarely responded, and his weight was only 5.2 kg. Thank God, after receiving the attention from Puskesmas cadres, in about 5 months my son is now cheerful, his neck is straight, his last weight was 7.1 kg, and he responded well,” Ira said.

With the collaboration between PT Pindad and the Government, it is hoped that it can reduce stunting rates and support the management of malnutrition in toddlersm especially in Bandung City.
