


Corporate Secretary of PT Pindad, Krisna Cahyadianus, welcomed a comparative study visit from the Army Airworthiness Service (Dislaikad) at Pindad Auditorium Bandung. The visit this time was attended by the secretary of Army Airworthiness Service, Col. Arhanud Heri Purwanto and the ranks of the comparative study participants.

The agenda for this work visit is to conduct a comparative study on the standardization of Quality Management, Engineering Management, HR Management, and Safety Management which has been carried out for 3 days. 

Krisna Cahyadianus was grateful for Dislaikad's visit to PT Pindad and hoped that the comparative study could produce something useful in order to improve the quality of domestic Defense and Security Equipment production.

"Welcome to the ranks of Dislaikad who conducted a comparative study with PT Pindad, we also thank you for the cooperation that has been established so far. Hopefully with this comparative study visit the quality of the production of alpahankam in the country will be better in the future and also hopefully this kind of cooperation can continues and can be improved at a later date." said Krisna.

In his speech, Col. Arhanud Heri Purwanto representing the Head of the Army Military Service, Brigadier General Jamalullael expressed his gratitude and appreciation for the welcome given by PT Pindad. Col. Heri Purwanto also hopes that the good cooperation between Dislaikad and PT Pindad can always be established and will get better in the future. 

"I express my gratitude and highest appreciation to PT Pindad for providing knowledge to the participants of the Dislaikad Comparative Study team. Hopefully this comparative study can provide benefits and add insight to improve the quality of the management system in Dislaikad, especially in the implementation standardization and certification of military commodity worthiness of the Army." said Heri Purwanto.

The activity then continued with the closing of a comparative study and a visit to PT Pindad's production facilities.