Interested in Stungta x Pindad, the Dirjen PSLB3 KHLH review production line
Director General of PSLB3 KHLH, Rosa Vivien, accompanied by Assistant 4 of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Investment, Rofi Alhanif; Plt. Head of LIPI, Agus Haryono; Director of VPSLB2 KHLK, Achmad Gunawan; PUPR Sanitation Director, Prasetyo; Director of Supervision. Food, Management, Energy & Natural Resources BPKP, Kisyadi; BPKP of West Java, Mulyana and staff made a working visit to the Central Pindad Office on Wednesday, August 4, 2021. This visit was welcomed by the CEO of PT Pindad (Persero), Abraham Mose; Chief Business of Defense and Security Products, Wijil Jadmiko; Chief Business of Industrial Products, Suharyono; Chief of Business Strategy, Director of Business Strategy, Syaifuddin and ranks.
The purpose of today's visit is to follow up the discussion and review the smokeless waste burning product, Stungta x Pindad, to treat hazardous and toxic waste (B3).
In his remarks, Abraham Mose expressed his gratitude for the visit of the Director General of PSLB3 KHLH, Rosa Vivien and her staff to Pindad. Abraham explained that Stungta x Pindad is a product of the collaboration between Pindad and PT Top Tekno Indo, which was initiated by the many requests from the Regional Government for waste incineration products, especially in Bandung city.
“The development of Stungta was already underway even before the pandemic, due to the large number of requests from the local government for waste burning in the city of Bandung. Hopefully Stungta x Pindad can be a solution product for waste management, especially solving the problem of B3 waste, "said Abraham.
Director General of PSLB3 KHLH, Rosa Vivien, conveyed high appreciation for Pindad for offering solutions for waste processing. In the midst of the increasing number of the spread of Covid-19, the amount of waste generated also increases. This medical waste management needs to be considered so that it does not become one of the sources of the spread of the Covid-19 virus.
"As is well known, this momentum started from a limited cabinet meeting, where the President asked for coordination of the medical waste settlement issue. In the midst of this pandemic, 1 person can produce 1.5 kg of medical waste. Medical waste is one of the B3 wastes whose management efforts are 'Cradle to Grave', one must know the journey of the waste being formed until it is buried in the final handling so it requires manifests through written permission from the relevant agencies. We express our gratitude and highest appreciation to Pindad for this incinerator initiative, and hopefully (Stungta x Pindad) can be used throughout Indonesia.” explained Rosa Vivien.
After a brief presentation of Pindad products, the activity continued by watching a demonstration of the burning of infectious medical waste in the form of PPE, syringes and expired drugs by Stungta x Pindad at Pindad Hospital, and visiting the Stungta x Pindad production line.