Vice President : Pindads Ability Will Continue to be Supported and Appreciated
Vice President of Republic of Indonesia, Muhammad Jusuf Kalla, or commonly called JK, visit PT Pindad (Persero) on Wednesday, January 20th, 2016. The Vice President was received by the President Director of PT Pindad (Persero), Silmy Karim in the Pindads Auditorium, Bandung. Vice Presidents visit that day, also accompanied by two Ministers of Kabinet Kerja, the Minister of Defense Gen. (ret.) Ryamizard Ryacudu and Industry Minister Saleh Hussein, as well as West Java Governor Ahmad Heryawan. "I, along with the Minister of Defence and the Minister of Industry would like to review the development of PINDAD to date, as well as to give some new targets to be achieved," said the vice president in his speech.
In response, Silmy Karim welcomed the visit of the Vice President whom he call as a person who always concerned with the development of the national defense industry positively. Today is very remarkable, Pindad can be visited Mr Jusuf Kalla. I remember once Mr. Vice President signed on paper of Anoa design work and order of 150 units. This proves Mr Jusuf Kalla alignments in the defense industry has seen, and Law on Defense Industry was not there yet, "said Silmy. He also underlined that Pindad was optimistic in achieving the targets set in the future. "This year we do a lot of efforts to improve the management, transformation, and also flagged products that have been or will be released in the future. We have the optimism as the pride of the people of Indonesia, "he added.
The Vice President added that the visit also aims to evaluate the condition of the defense industry to achieve independence. "We are also re-evaluating the defense industry, which is the goal is always to put the capability of domestic industry so that the defense industry continues to increase its independence and ability."
While visiting in the area of special vehicle assembly, the Vice President specifically signed product design of Canon 90mm Combat Vehicle which is called Badak and gives the command of the Ministry of Defence to buy 50 units as the first batch. "In addition to seeing Anoa and Rhino, I encourage the Minister of Defence to buy 50 units of Rhino, when it passed the certification test," added the Vice President. In a design paper written 'Certification test to be continued and 50 units will be processed for Indonesian National Armed Forces for early stage, 20/1-2016, JK.'
In addition, related to chain wheeled special vehicle, he also suggests to modernize some of tank products so that Indonesia has a complete size of itâ€â€Âsmall, medium, and big (Main Battle Tank). Next direction is to upgrade all the weapons which is still in good condition, including AMX-13 and Scorpion in order to make our countrys force will be more complete, ranging from small tanks, medium, until the main battle tank, said JK.
Karim Silmy directly respond to these referrals with readiness. "The vice president has been like our own parents. We highly appreciate and support directives that leads to Indonesia as a country that is capable and able to apply the technology. Pindad want to be the pride of the people of Indonesia through various achievements," he said.
Vice President end his visit by delivering a message of encouragement for Pindad, as the main actors in the national defense industry. "President Jokowi suggest that anything that can be done in the country, make at home. So we will see Pindads ability, either to produce defense and security equipment as well as complementary construction equipment. This capability will continue to be supported and appreciated, "he said. After working visit in PT Pindad (Persero) is completed, the Vice President and his entourage visited the PT Dirgantara Indonesia (Persero). (Anggia)