As Fierce as a Tiger
For those who seeks accuracy
All-Terrain Rover
A World Class Quality Armoured Vehicle for Peacekeeping Missions
Trusted and Reliable
Build a Superior and Competitive Industry

Defense & Security Products

6x6 Armoured Vehicle with the ability to operate in any terrain and conditions. Perfect for every needs and supported by various variants, proven by its operation in UN Peacekeeping Missions


An agile 6x6 Armoured Vehicle and capable to perform various maneuvers with packed heavy weaponry. Equipped with a two-man operated machine guns cal. 90 mm, long-range munitions and ballistic protection, Badak shows its true self as a reliable combat force


The first ever medium tank product manufactured in South-East Asia as a collaborative cooperation with Turkish manufacturer FNSS. Equipped with level 5 protection, anti-ballistic and anti-mine defense system, Harimau ready to deal with any combat situation and fit the frontline fleet


Our 4x4 Tactical Vehicle performs astounding maneuvers ability and reliable in various operation situations. The powerhouse of 4 cylinder diesel engine bursts 215 hp to ensure its agility


Our brand new pistol has 4 inch barrel length – shorter than its famous predecessor, G2 pistol – to reach effective shooting range for close range combat area. MAG4 is convenient for mobility thanks to its lighter body material and easier cocking mechanism


Our battle-proven, accurate and reliable small calibre munitions has supported any Indonesia military operation to maintain national sovereignity and also achieved numerous international shooting competition


Essential long range sniper rifle featuring sleek design and lighter body for mobility. Engineered in high-precision process and enhancement in optical sight gear, hunting a target in 900 m never looks this easy


Indonesia's finest rifle proven with eleven times champion of AASAM & AARM arm contest brings new experience of shooting accuracy. Inherit the excellence from its predecessor, SS2-V4 comes with more concise body and enhanced safety features


Industrial Products

Used in freight train and passenger train. The system operates at two pressures as it is equipped with an Operating Valve, where the pressure from the KE2cSL/A Distributor Valve to the Brake Cylinder will change according to the condition of the carriage

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Eco-friendly explosives with high explosive power and density, could be triggered with electric and non-electric detonators. One of their variants, RenEx T Booster, is specialized for underground mining, open pit mining, and civil construction works

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PT Pindad's first heavy equipment product as a result of competency transformation of our defense products. Excava 200 equipped with hydraulic system competency on special type of recovery & wheel chain competence

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This innovative excavator is a 20 ton class excavator product. Equipped with pontoon, it is able to float on the water surface. Suitable to be operated on rivers, swamps and shallow waters

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PT Pindad's Electrical Machines product licensed from Siemens AG, Germany. Pindad's Generator specialized for supporting electrical needs and used for Diesel Power Plant, Steam Power Plant, Hydro Power Plant, Mini Hydro, Geothermal, Wind and propulsion generator on Electric Railway (KRL)

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Four wheeled double-shaft tractor, specialized to cultivate the land using the implementation of plow & rotary plow. Equipped with power forwarding system, a speed control (gear), and four rubber wheels, suitable for farm terrains in Indonesia

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Designed for capacities up to 3 tons with a length of 9 meters with structures made of sturdy steel construction and certified so strong for cradle and welding on ship structures, bushes made of bronze with reference to national standards (BKI) and international standars (IACS member)

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Mar 12

Ketua BNSP Berikan Lisensi kepada LSP Pindad & Penyaksian...

Direktur Produksi PT Pindad, Hera Rosmiati menerima kunjungan...

Mar 10

PT Pindad Jalin Kerja Sama Strategis dengan Kemdiktisaintek,...

Bandung - PT Pindad menandatangani Nota Kesepahaman dengan Kementerian...

Mar 03

Peduli Disabilitas, Pindad Berikan Bantuan Kursi Roda...

Walikota Bandung, Muhammad Farhan didampingi Manager TJSL PT...

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