Press Release


Firing Test Medium Tank Pindad

PT Pindad (Persero) carries out the Medium Tank firing test on August 27, 2018 at the Infantry Education Center (Pusdikif) of the Army of Cipatat, West Bandung Regency. This series of tests is a certification activity carried out by the Dislitbangad to determine the ability of the Medium Tank earthquake in good condition, meet the design requirements and specifications.

The event was attended by Dankodiklat TNI AD Maj. Gen. A.M. Putranto, Director General of Defense Potential (Director General of Pothan) Ministry of Defense, Bondan Tiara Sofyan, senior TNI officer, BUMN Ministry official, NDHI cluster BUMN Director and Pindad Board of Directors and Commissioners. The Head of the Ministry of Defense and the Head of Research and Development gave testimony on how the Medium Tank test and certification process is up to now.

The firing test was carried out to test the shooting function of the 105 mm turret which is the main weapon of Medium Tank which has a large destructive power. Turret Medium Tank is armed with 105 mm caliber can shoot various types of 105 mm caliber munitions. The firing test was conducted from 25 - 27 August 2018.

The firing test is carried out when the tank is static and when conditions are moving. This test also aims to show the lock on capability at one point while the tank is moving, the tank's shooting capability in static conditions from all sides and the shooting capability of the tank on the target remains in the condition of moving tanks.

The firing test will be conducted in several sessions. The first shooting session was to shoot target nets at certain points with the TPCSDS-T type of munitions. The second session will shoot the target plate with the type of HEP-T munition for simulating the ability to attack vehicle. The third session will shoot moving targets with TPCSDS munitions type without pauses. The fourth firing session is a salvo shooting or a succession with the HE4 TP2 munition type aiming at the target of the grave and plate. This test circuit is a certification activity carried out by Dislitbangad.

Previously Medium Tank had passed mine blast test with satisfactory results on July 12 & 14, 2018, as well as mobility and performance tests on August 7-16, 2018. On 73rd Indonesian Independence day, Pindad welcomed entire medium tank team that has through test by Dislitbang to appreciate the works that continues to strive to present the first Indonesian Tank in the best quality.

Pindad has completed the process of developing Medium Tanks ranging from the design process to the prototyping built in Pindad by the Indonesian people.
Medium Tank is a long program in building technology mastery towards the independence of domestic defense equipment. Medium Tanks are included in the government's 7 strategic development programs to improve BUMNIS's ability to compete with the foreign defense industry. Through this joint development program for Medium Tanks, Pindad has gained knowledge, experience and international standard references regarding the development of tanks.

Medium tanks have the latest ballistic defense and anti-threat defense capabilities. The latest generation of medium tanks are equipped with extensive combat power ranging from close range protection for infantry forces to combat between combat vehicles.

Pindad medium tank has a weight of 32 tons, power of 20 HP / ton, a maximum speed of 70 km / hour, can accommodate 3 crew consisting of commanders, shooters and drivers, and has a main weapon of 105 mm caliber turret which has a large destructive power.

Medium tanks are equipped with the latest technologies, such as independent alert systems, hunter killer systems, laser warning systems, battle management systems, and level 5 protection. Medium tank turrets have an autoloader mechanism with 12 bullets in a turret and 26 bullets backup inside hull.

Medium tank designs are made according to the requirements of the users, based on modern battle strategies where the ease of mobilization of the medium tank is one of the advantages in addition to its own capabilities.

PT Pindad (Persero):
PT Pindad as a state-owned limited liability company was formed in 1983. A company whose historical roots have been established since the Dutch colonial era, actively produces various defense equipment for the needs of the TNI, and has also exported a number of superior products such as ammunition, weapons and combat vehicles to the global market. In addition to producing defense equipment, PT Pindad also has a Directorate that produces industrial machinery and heavy equipment such as excavators, railroad hooks, traction motors, generators, tractors and marine cranes.
For further information, please contact:
Corporate Secretary, Tuning Rudyati
