36th Pindad Anniversary, Innovation for the Country
PT Pindad (Persero) held the peak of its 36th anniversary on Sunday, April 28th, at Pindad Bandung headquarters. The anniversary celebration was attended by the President Director, Abraham Mose along with the Board of Directors, Indonesian Police Deputy Chief Ari Dono, Deputy President Commissioner of Pindad, other BUMNs representatives, government institution representatives and public communities. The theme of this year's Anniversary is Innovation for the Country. The 36th Pindad Anniversary commemorated on April 29th, which will be marked by a flag ceremony with all employees.
Abraham Mose hopes for the growth of company performance and the enthusiasm of employees to provide the best for this country through innovation, as well as becoming a place to promote friendship and socialization between employees, business people and the public communities.
Previously, Pindad had held a series of events to commemorate the 36th Pindad Anniversary since the beginning of April, until its peak on April 27th & 28th which was celebrated with public communities. The various events consist of; fun work, various sports competitions between employees, casual bike riding, gymnastics competitions, coloring competitions for children, panzer-pulling competitions, rifle shooting competitions, e-sports competitions, and photography competitions. There is an UKM bazaar, Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (SOE) stand and National Defense and High Tech Industry (NDHI) stand, art and music entertainment stage and performances by various famous artists to enliven the 36th PT Pindad Anniversary commemoration.
Pindad also inaugurated the latest munition production facilities in the Division of Munitions, Turen Malang which was marked by the signing of an inscription by the Minister of SOE, Rini M Soemarno at Gedung Sate, Bandung on Saturday, April 6th. There were 7 new munition production facilities inaugurated, those were the 5.56mm Caliber Assembling Process building, Primary Composition Making Process building, Primer Loading Process building, Tetrazen Process building, Ballistic Field building, Explosion Chamber building and GL & AGL Field buildings.
Pindad also participates in various social activities involving the community and aimed for environmental conservation. Starting from kid mass circumcision event, grand Qur'an recitation event, and blood donation. In addition, Pindad also inaugurated the Anoa Panzer Monument in Taman Cibeunying, Bandung to foster sense of pride and love of domestic products and bring Pindad products closer to the public.
Pindad also held an exhibition showing various defense & security products that had the role of supporting the sovereignty of the NKRI. The latest innovation weapons such as Mag 4, Armor V1-V3, SPR 4 and various other superior weapons and various caliber munitions are displayed. The latest Special Vehicles are also displayed such as Harimau Medium Tank, Badak Panzer, Anoa Panzer, Komodo special vehicle. Special weapons and vehicle products seize the attention of visitors, especially for those who want to ride the vehicles, take photos and try to hold the displayed weapons products.
In addition to defense and security products, Pindad also displays a variety of Industrial business products including industrial machinery, traction motors, railroad hooks, tractors and agricultural machinery, ship cranes until the latest products from the excavator line, the Excava 50.
PT Pindad (Persero):
PT Pindad as a state-owned limited liability company was formed in 1983. The company whose historical roots have been established since the Dutch colonial period, is actively producing various defense equipment for Indonesian National Army (TNI), and has also exported a number of reputable products such as ammunition, weapons and combat vehicles to global market. In addition to defense equipment products, PT Pindad also produces industrial machinery and heavy equipment such as excavators, railroad hooks, traction motors, generators, tractors up to crane ships.
For more information, please contact:
Corporate Secretary, Tuning Rudyati
E-mail: tuning@pindad.com