Press Release


The Minister of State-Owned Enterprises Inaugurated Pratama Officers

Ministry of SOEs Press Release

JAKARTA, June 21st, 2019 - The Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) has carried out the Inauguration and Oathing of Officials of the Senior Leadership Position (Echelon II level) today (6/21). This activity took place on 21st floor of the Ministry of SOEs, led directly by SOEs Minister Rini M Soemarno and attended by the officials of Echelon I and II of the Ministry of SOEs and a number of SOEs Directors.

Seven High Primary Officers inaugurated today have been selected through an open selection mechanism taken by civil servants from various government agencies that have fulfilled the technical and competency requirements as required by the provisions of the PAN-RB Ministry and the competency standards imposed at the Ministry of SOEs.

In his remarks, Minister Rini stated that the Ministry of SOEs acts as an enabler for SOEs in order to create values and act as an agent of development so that it is required to actively participate in accelerating the completion of various national strategic issues. Along with the increasingly complex challenges of SOEs in the future, appointed officers are expected to be able to support the entire process of on-going organizational transformation and uphold the good name of the organization. It is hoped that through this transformation an effective and independent SOEs management organization can be formed. "You are also required to be able to build cooperation and synergy with various parties to develope SOEs through policies that are right on target and high added-value," said Minister Rini.

On the same occasion Minister Rini also conveyed to the newly appointed officers and all employees of the Ministry of SOEs, Directors of SOEs and all staff to the subsidiaries of the company to always maintain ethics in cyberspace or social media. "I ask you all to be wise in expressing your opinions and ideas through social media and still maintain the image and good reputation of the Ministry of SOEs in public," he said. Minister Rini advised the leaders to be able to direct their team members to sustain the values of national unity and the name of both the Ministry of SOEs and SOEs as the slogan "One Family, One Nation, One Vision to Excellence".

The names of officials who were sworn in and took their oaths are as follows:
1.Rini Widyastuti - Position: Head of the Legal Bureau
2.Rainoc - Position: Assistant Deputy of Mining Business, Strategic Industry and Media I
3. Liliek Mayasari - Position: Assistant Deputy for Construction Business, Transportation Facilities and Infrastructure I
4. Kindy Rinaldy Syahrir - Position: Assistant Deputy for Business Development and Privatization of SOEs
5. Aditya Dhanwantara - Position: Assistant Deputy for Restructuring and PPKNM
6. Imam Paryanto - Position: Assistant Deputy of Agro and Pharmaceutical Industry Business I
7. Muhammad Khoerur Roziqin - Position: Assistant Deputy of Financial Services, Survey Services and Consultants II

This inauguration is carried out based on the Decree of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises of the Republic of Indonesia Number: SK-140 / MBU / 06/ 2019 dated June 19th, 2019 concerning the Appointment of Pratama Leaders in the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises, as a follow-up to the Decision of Open Selection Finals Results of JPT Pratama in the Ministry of SOEs in 2019 which was announced on May 24th, 2019 through Announcement Number: PENG-06 / JPT.PRATAMA / MBU / 05/2019. As the Ministerial Decree referred to, the term of office comes in effect from the moment of inauguration.

PT Pindad (Persero):
PT Pindad as a state-owned limited liability company was formed in 1983. The company whose historical roots have been established since the Dutch colonial period, is actively producing various defense equipment for Indonesian National Army (TNI), and has also exported a number of reputable products such as ammunition, weapons and combat vehicles to global market. In addition to defense equipment products, PT Pindad also produces industrial machinery and heavy equipment such as excavators, railroad hooks, traction motors, generators, tractors up to crane ships.

For more information, please contact:
Corporate Secretary, Tuning Rudyati
E-mail: tuning
