Press Release


The creator of the Omelet Egg Maker Robot, Agung had the opportunity to see the Pindad Production Fa

Agung Budi Wibowo, a young man from Purworejo Regency who recently received public attention for making an egg-making robot called Egg Filling Robot to help his mother trade making omelettes that are difficult due to visual impairment, invited to see firsthand the production facilities and artificial products Pindad

The young man who graduated from SMK N 1 Purworejo attracted the attention of PT Pindad (Persero) President Director Abraham Mose, because he was considered to have innovation as well as sincerity to help his mother trade.

Last Thursday, February 27, 2020, Agung Budi and his mother Praptining Utami toured several PT Pindad production facilities such as heavy equipment production facilities, special vehicles including weapons displays. Agung was also given the opportunity to feel firsthand the toughness of the Pindad special vehicle, as well as to shoot with several variants of weapons, including SS2.

After seeing PT Pindad's production facilities directly, Agung claimed to be very proud of Indonesia, especially PT Pindad, because it could produce the country's best National Defense System.

Not only that, Agung also conveyed his desire to be able to join PT Pindad, hoping to be able to apply the latest technologies, helping to create new innovations in the country's defense equipment.

The Board of Directors of PT Pindad (Persero) represented by the Director of Finance, Wildwan Arief, expressed his admiration and pride towards Agung Budi who now also works as an honorary teacher.

Wildan said that Indonesia at this time desperately needed the nation's children who were creative and had innovations including in building PT Pindad, as a state-owned company that gave birth to high-tech products.

Wildan also appreciated the innovation shown by Agung, This is in line with the company's spirit that launched this year as the year of Pindad innovation. According to him, the innovation that arises from one's own will will last longer, and that is a big capital.

PT Pindad warmly welcomes the innovation of all the nation's children and provides plenty of room for outstanding young children to be able to join, take part and continue to give birth to innovations for the advancement of national defense equipment.

PT Pindad (Persero):

PT Pindad as a state-owned limited liability company was formed in 1983. Pindad is active in producing various defense equipment for the needs of the TNI, and has also exported a number of superior products such as ammunition, weapons and combat vehicles to the global market. PT Pindad in addition to producing defense equipment also has an Industrial Directorate that produces heavy equipment such as excavators, tractors, marine cranes and railroad hooks, traction motors to generators.

For further information, please contact:

Company Secretary, Tuning Rudyati

