Pindad Send Excava 200 Supports Post-Earthquake & Tsunami Recovery in Central Sulawesi
Pindad sent 1 unit of its Excavator known as the Pindad Excava 200 to support the recovery after the earthquake and tsunami that hit Palu, Central Sulawesi. Excavators sent by Pindad are the newest production in 2018 which is red and white, transported by plane on October 9, 2018 in Jakarta.
Previously, 4 units of Excava 200 had also assisted the disaster recovery process with the details of 1 unit owned by the Director General of Natural Resources and 3 units belonging to the Directorate General of Community Protection of the Ministry of PUPR produced in 2017.
Pindad's CEO, Abraham Mose expressed his condolences and deep concern for the victims of the earthquake and tsunami disaster.
"We are also concerned and mourning the earthquake that occurred in Central Sulawesi. Seeing our brothers and sisters losing their shelter, property and relatives, arousing our caring and humanity, wanting to be present and sharing our shared sorrow. We stop praying for our brothers in Central Sulawesi, may Allah SWT provide protection, patience and sincerity for our brothers in Central Sulawesi, "Abraham said.
The shipment of excavators made by Pindad is a form of concern for the company and the presence of SOEs present to the country to support post-disaster recovery.
"The shipment of 1 Excava 200 to Palu is proof of the presence of BUMN in the country. "We hope that the presence of the Excava 200 in Palu will lighten up a little and support the work of the emergency response team in the post-disaster recovery process," continued Abraham.
These 21.7 tons excavators have been absorbed by the market, purchased by the Ministry of PUPR, Ministry of Agriculture, DKI Regional Government, PT Barata and private mining. Excava 200 has a production capacity of 1 unit per day, measuring 9.542 m in length, 2.895 m in width and 3.193 m in height. Excava 200 has so far sold 227 units. In 2016, 27 units have been sold, 130 units in 2017 and 70 units have been sold until September 2018. This domestic-made excavator is projected to sell 130 units by the end of 2018.
PT Pindad (Persero):
PT Pindad as a state-owned limited liability company was formed in 1983. The company whose historical roots have been established since the Dutch colonial period, is actively producing various defense equipment for the needs of the TNI, and has also exported a number of superior products such as ammunition, weapons and combat vehicles to the global market. In addition to producing defense equipment, PT Pindad also has a Directorate that produces industrial machinery and heavy equipment such as excavators, railroad hooks, traction motors, generators, tractors to crane ships.
For more information, please contact:
Corporate Secretary, Tuning Rudyati
E-mail: tuning@pindad.com