Pindad Performs a Mine Blast Test Medium Tank
PT Pindad (Persero), in cooperation with Dislitbangad, Indonesian army’s research & development department conducted a mine blast test on medium tank, results of joint development between Pindad and Turkish FNSS on July 12, 2018 at Pussenarmed Shooting Field in Batujajar with reference to international standard. The event was attended by Director General of Potential Defense and other Ministry of Defense high officials, high ranking Indonesian’s army officers, police, government agencies such as Ministry of State Owned Enterprises (SOE), Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, State Ministry for Research and Technology (BPPT), State Ministry for Development Planning (Bappenas) and campus institutions such as ITB, ITS, UGM, Brawijaya University, Defense University and practitioners in the field of combat vehicles and combat vehicle, as well as other stakeholders. This test is a parts of National Seminar of Mine Blast Test for Medium Tank held on 13 July 2018 at Grha Pindad Bandung.
The National Seminar of Mine Blast Test for Medium Tank is undertaken as a means of providing a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of the design and testing of combat vehicle protection against mine explosions based international standards STANAG 4569. The mine blast tests carried out according to the user requirement as part of the completion of the Joint Production Pindad’s Medium Tank contract with the Ministry of Defense. This activity is also a means for socialization and introduction of mine blast test to users and practitioners/experts.
This mine explosion test is the first in Indonesia held on medium tank products. The size of the explosive mine was 8 kg of TNT under hull and 10 kg of TNT on the track. The explosive intention is essentially to verify the designs according to the level of mine protection established by the Army and testing the ability of the vehicle to protect the crew from the threat of mine blast set in the standard, so that the crew in it does not suffer injuries or fatal injuries that cause death. To simulate the crew of the vehicle, a special mannequin (crush test dummy) equipped with sensors to measure the damage of the explosion, so that the amount of injury to personnel inside can be known and measured, the result must pass the standard.
Medium Tank is a government program that includes the 7 strategic development of the Ministry of Defense to enhance the ability of National Defense and High-tech Industries (NDHI) in order to compete with foreign defense industry. The presence of Medium Tank is a proof of the ability of the domestic defense industry to produce high-tech innovative products in supporting the independence of defense equipment to maintain the sovereignty of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).
After the mine blast test, the Medium Tank is being prepared for a series of certification tests with the Army. After obtaining the certificate of passing the test of the Army, then proceed to the production stage to meet the modernization needs of the Medium Tank in the Army and export markets.
The Medium Tank is designed by Pindad and Turkish FNSS that have the latest ballistic defense and mine threat capabilities. This latest generation Medium Tank is equipped with extensive protection capabilities ranging from close-up protection for infantry troops to battle between combat vehicles.
The Pindad Medium Tank has a 32-ton combat weight, 711 HP engine power with automatic transmission, a maximum speed of 70 km / h, can accommodate 3 crew consisting of commanders, shooters and drivers, and has a 105 mm caliber turret main weapon with big destructive power.
The Medium Tank is equipped with the latest technologies, such as self awareness system, hunter killer system, passive protection warning system (laser warning system), battle management system, and high ballistic protection. The medium tank’s turret has an autoloader mechanism with 12 bullets ready and 26 bullets in the hull.
The Medium Tank design is built according to user needs criteria, based on modern combat strategies where the ease of mobilization of the medium tanks is one of the advantages besides its own ability.
PT Pindad (Persero):
PT Pindad as a state-owned limited liability company was established in 1983. The company, whose historical roots have been established since the Dutch colonial period, is active in producing various armaments for the needs of the Indonesian army, and has also exported superior products such as ammunition, weapons and combat vehicles to the global market. PT Pindad also produces industrial machinery and heavy equipment such as excavators, railway hooks, traction motors, generators, tractors and crane ships.
For further information please contact:
Corporate Secretary of PT Pindad (Persero), Tuning Rudyati
Phone Numbers: 081321513207, E-mail: tuning@pindad.com