

Pindad Responded Indonesia Future Challenge

Indonesia government transition would be happened soon. Various mission and vision were had been delivered by elected president and vice president, Joko Widodo and Jusuf Kalla, on their campaign period until the debates event, on which one of them was on science and technology and creative industry. Various challenges on these fields would be faced in managing the governance in the next five years.

To answer those challenges, was held the science and technology exhibitions and seminars with theme Indonesia Responds the Future Challenges. This event was held on Saturday, September 6th 2014 at Plaza Tugu Proklamasi, Central Jakarta. As one of the company which participated in Indonesia technology development, especially in defence industry, PT Pindad (Persero) was participated on this event.

According to chairman of this exhibition and seminar, Poempida Hidayatullah, the event which initiated by Relawan Jokowi-JK (Jokowi-JK Volunteer) or RJK2 in cooperation with the Ikatan Alumni Program Habibie (Habibie Alumni Association Program) or IABIE was aimed to show Indonesia citizens best work on science and technology as well as creative industry. Indonesia is the nation that had the ideas, have the creativity, could think and able to create superior products.

Beside displaying various science and technology and creative industries, was also held discussion that discussed how the developments and challenges that would be faced by Indonesia in the future in various fields such as defense, environment, energy and natural resources, the concept of the toll of the sea, great sea wall, the flagship rural industries, as well as the system scheme of Indonesia Sehat and Indonesia Pintar programs. PT Pindad (Persero) CEO, Sudirman Said was became speaker in discussing the development of the defense industry that was experienced by Pindad, how some products are created, and how the Defense Pindad responded to the challenge in the future. Pindad should have massive investments at technology, machines, and human resources sectors. Theres no other way except strengthening ourselves. One of the way is to strengthening the technology and doing more researches.

He was also reaffirmed that Pindad was ready to be one of the companies that would build the defense industry ability in the future, Pindad as strategic industry is ready to take on the biggest role for our sovereignty building through the development of capabilities in the Defense field. I'm sure in 5-10 years forward Pindad can be managed in such a way so that it can take benefit as much as possible to repair the nation's sovereignty.

PT Pindad (Persero) was displaying some of its defense and security products that have been produced for supporting the Indonesian National Armed Forces and Indonesia National Police personnel performance. Those products were SS2-V2 HB, SS2-V5 Customized + Silencer, SS2 + Grenade Launcher riffles, G2 Combat + silencer and G2 Elite handguns, sub machine gun PM2-V2 + silencer, SPR-2 and SPR-3 sniper, silent mortar + ammunition, mortar launcher 60 CO and 60 LR, cloud seedling tools CoSAT 1000, defense rocket Rhan 122 mock up, various calibers of ammunition mock up, and Anoa 6x6 Combat Vehicle. In addition, was also displayed one unit of Anoa 6x6 Combat Vehicle APC type which was used by the United Nation peace keeping mission at Libanon and became the centre of interest on this exhibition event.

Specifically for PT Pindad, the purpose of this exhibition was to improve the brand awareness among the general public that Indonesia has its own defense industry and are able to make the defense and security products for the Indonesia National Armed Forces and Indonesia National Police. In addition, this exhibition was expected to create a sense of pride in the minds of the public that the Indonesia citizens have been able and ready to compete with other countries especially in the field of defense industry. (Anggia/Sendhy/Wulan)
