“Managing Business Performance” Knowledge Sharing by HRMPA at PT Pindad (Persero)
Human Resource Management Professional Association (HRMPA) held a knowledge sharing event at PT Pindad (Persero). The event which titled “Managing Business Performance” held at July 5th 2013 at Grha Pindad and directly opened by PT Pindad President Director, Adik Avianto Soedarsono. The prople who involved in Human Resources world in Indonesia participated on this event such as the Human Resources practicioners from PT Telkom, PT Pos Indonesia, PT KAI, Bank Jabar, PT Siloam Motor, and Apindo.
This event was aimed to adjust the government industry program to advance Indonesian Human Resources. Furthermore, this knowledge sharing was also a unifying event for the Indonesia Human Resources peoples for sharing, brainstorming, benchmarking, and together finding a solution for various Human Resources problems which would be useful for company, both State Owned Enterprise companies, or other companies.
PT Pindad (Persero) President Director on his speech said that he was very thankful because PT Pindad has been chosen as the place for this knowledge sharing implementation. Besides that, he also welcomed this kind of event and hoped this event would enlighten the Human Resources Development and company advancement at the future.
This event was divided into two sessions of lecture provision. The first lecture which titled “Performance Management System to Drive Business Performance” delivered by Deputy Director of Business Development of PT Pindad (Persero), Irfanul Kamal. He delivered his experiences as on of Human Resources practitioner in applying Performance Management System which based on competency at PT Pindad.
The second lecture, which titled “Human Resources Scorecard to Drive Business Performance” was delivered by Yodhia Antariksa. This lecture was about the measurement system which associated the Human Resources with strategy and organization performance so that they would do the right investment for the Human Resources competency and appropriate with company business.
The knowledge sharing like this was a positive event to be continued. PT Pindad is also ready to support these activities if there would be other meetings to hold at the future. (Anggia)